- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Green Deal or no deal? Cooperation, Competition and the People (Hybrid Event)
26. Oktober 2021, 10:30:00 - 17:00:00
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences & online (Hybrid Event)
International ambitions for climate protection measures will be essential for keeping the global temperature rise below 2°C. Large emitters of greenhouse gas emissions and contributors to global warming like China, the US and the European Union will have to lead by example in finding a pathway towards a just transition while maintaining competitiveness. In the light of the COP26 in Glasgow, we would like to discuss with international decision-makers and our international audience different policy approaches and new opportunities for cooperation. The Energy Day takes place in Berlin as well as online.
Preliminary Agenda
• Welcome
• Quo Vadis Energy Politics in Germany?
• Commitment to Global Climate Protection – towards a Climate Club?
• The EU Green Deal: Implementation and Outlook
• Social Implications of Transforming the Energy System
• Hydrogen Evolution in Europe and beyond
• Final Remarks & Invitation to St. Petersburg