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European Hydrogen Week, Brüssel und online
29. November 2021 - 3. Dezember 2021
What is the European Hydrogen Week about?
Join us for the second edition of the European Hydrogen Week (EHW), taking place from 29 November to 3 December 2021!
Summer this year, the first-ever Climate Law for Europe was adopted, writing into law the goals set out in the European Green Deal. To achieve these ambitious goals, the European Commission adopted in July the ‘Fit for 55’ package of policy proposals to make the EU’s climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for this target and make Europe become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Building on all these ambitions as the first step in the implementation of the EU Hydrogen Strategy, the Week will discuss the tremendous opportunities associated with the production and use of hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels in the different sectors of the economy and how hydrogen will play a key role in the European Green Deal.
The European Hydrogen Forum is a unique event bringing together European industry, policy makers, government representatives as well as the research community to discuss and steer the increased potential for clean hydrogen in the upcoming years.
The EHW 2021 agenda is structured as follows:
- Day 1: Hydrogen Forum and FCH JU Awards
- Day 2: R&I Priorities
- Day 3: Hydrogen Strategy
- Day 4 and 5: Programme Review Days (PRD)